Ohio Chapter

Officers 2021-2023


President: Lulette Tricia Bravo – Class 2001

President Elect: Renato Samala – Class 2000

Immediate Past President: Rachel Espiritu-Asilo – Class 2002

Secretary: Angela Galang-Lewis – Class 2008

Treasurer: Mitzi Mangaser-Regala – Class 2006

Ohio UPMASAn of the Month

Dr Celia Yap

Dr. Celia Yap

Dr. Celia So Yap is emeritus staff, retired Radiologist and former Department Chair of Radiology at Lutheran Hospital, a Cleveland Clinic Hospital in Cleveland, Ohio. 

 She graduated from the University of the Philippines College of Medicine in 1968. She worked at Lutheran Hospital for 36 years, where she served on the Executive Committee, Credentials Committee, CME Committee and as medical staff representative to the Board of the Lutheran Foundation. Under her leadership, Lutheran Hospital became a leader in breast health and technology. Her work included:

      Making Lutheran Hospital the first institution to provide MR Imaging for Cleveland’s west side

      Creating a breast health program that provided free imaging for women with no insurance in collaboration with Dr. Joan Palomaki (breast surgeon) and Dr. Indira Pillay (pathologist).

      Starting the stereotactic core breast biopsy in Cleveland’s west side 

      Planning of the Breast Health Center at Fairview Hospital, now the Moll Center.

 Dr. Yap  is one of the founding members of the UPMASA Ohio Chapter, where she continues to be an active participant today. She served as chapter president for two terms (1993-1997). The 1996 AGC was held in Cleveland for the first time under her leadership. With the support of Ohio Chapter members, the convention was a success, raising money to donate 175 microscopes to the UP College of Medicine. 

She has received numerous awards including: Lutheran Hospital/Fairview Hospital Physician of the Year (1989), Lutheran Hospital/Cleveland Clinic Pillar of Medicine (2011), and the UPMASA Ohio Leadership Award (2017). 

She is married to Dr. Sisenando Yap (UST, ’65). They have four children. 

      Michael Yap, JD(VP, Deputy General Counsel, Auctane), wife Susan Moon, JD, Principal Counsel, The Walt Disney Company) 

      Robert Yap, JD(CEO Gen Mobile), wife Jennifer Lin, MPH (Head of PrePaid Marketing, Boost and Gen Mobile), Matthew (13) and Genevieve (10) 

      Nancy Jean  Yap(Executive Director, Center for Asian Americans United for Self Empowerment) and President of the Arts District, Little Tokyo Neighborhood Council 

      Tiffany Ann Yap,  DEnv/PhD (Senior Scientist, Center for Biological Diversity)

Annual Grand Convention 2021
Cleveland, Ohio

AGC Cleveland 2021



We made $3,362.32 from our 5th annual holiday fundraiser held on Dec 6, 2019. Part of the proceeds will go to the UPCM scholarship fund.

We had a Chapter meeting on Feb 16, 2020 at Jennifer Maluyao’s home to discuss our AGC plans as well as activities for the local chapter. All of the officers and a few other members were in attendance.  We discussed plans for holding our 6th annual holiday celebration in December 2020. Edmundo Somoza and Emolyn Defensor-Hussaini, both from class 1971 (golden jubilarians), were present at the meeting.  We discussed the timelines and schedules. AGC 2021 will be held from June 30 to July 4. Our theme is Rock and Roll. We decided on our logo. Algene Agustin is helping out with this. We planned on our themed shirts to wear to AGC 2020 to promote AGC 2021. Each committee group is planning and working on their own.  We also brainstormed on our Pabidahan presentation for 2020. We planned to have another meeting but this got postponed due to the pandemic.

We are continuing to reach out to our colleagues in the Pittsburgh area.

We decided to donate $1000 from our chapter funds to the PGH-COVID-19 program.

2021 AGC will be at the RITZ Carlton, Cleveland, Ohio from June 29 to July 4, 2021.


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